Tuesday, April 17, 2012

the nitty gritty

So, as promised pictures as well as numbers will accompany this blog.  Let me first set out a disclaimer...this conclusion that I came to of including this information in my blog was not an easy one.  But, I know that it's important and if I can inspire and or encourage just one person by putting myself out there, it'll all be worth it. This can be done and it can be done in a healthy way, it's a commitment to a lifestyle change. 

I've been pleasantly plum, big boned, large and in charge, carrying a little extra weight, athletic, and or stocky my whole life.  No matter what anyone calls it or how people try to (no pun intended), sugar coat it... I've always been bigger than I would have liked.  I'll admit it, I LOVE food, I love everything about it, grocery shopping, prep work, cooking books, the fun kitchen accessories that aid you in cooking, the wonderful smells, presentation, creativity, and filling not only myself up but others too.  Some would say the love of cooking and the D word mix like oil and water, however I've surprisingly found it to be helpful.  I'm now more conscious of what I'm making, and have been able to use creativity to squeeze in some extra nutrients in oldie but goodie recipes.   I began my journey in late January at a staggering 234.6 lbs.  I was comfortably wearing a size 16, and uncomfortably squeezing into a 14.  

December/January 234.6 lbs
I joined weight watchers online and learned about food and the importance of making good food choices.  I was given 34 points a day with an extra 45 points per week. Those of you who have tried WW understand how these points work.  There would be days that I had a lot of points left and days when I felt like I could have eaten double the points allowed.  WW really helped me to get in the mindset of recording my food and making choices that helped to keep me full longer.  However, the days that I had points left, I would allow myself ice cream, cookies, snacks, whatever I could to use up the points.  I had figured at that point if I had points left over that must have meant that I could use them for whatever I wanted. 

February, Size 14/12
March 225 lbs 

I joined Stay Fit Studio and attended morning classes.  I recruited my husband to help me get used to getting up early and encouraging me to get on my bike and get to the gym for 6:15am classes.  
Monday - Spin 
Tuesday - Strength 
Wednesday - Run and Pedal/Pump
Thursday - Spin 
Friday - Run/Personal Training and Pedal/Pump
Saturday - Spin or Run 
Sunday - Run and Strength 
(I am taking a day off during the week, although it isn't consistent - it varies depending on my weekend schedule) 
I started seeing a trainer with a group which has been helpful.  I set goals and discussed with her what I've tried and where my challenges and barriers are.  And so, we began to run... 

April 214.5 lbs 

...and accomplish goals! I ran my first complete 5K this past weekend.  Raquel and I had ran the route once before and I had consistently been running at least 3 miles for one week before the race.  I'm so grateful for a Danielle who was able to join me on my first race, encouraging me even when my final time (38.56, approx. 12 minute mile) was 10 minutes longer than her usual time!  A 5K is 3.2 miles, I ran 3.75 miles in one hour the previous week, so I'd say I shaved 'some' time off!!

I'd also have to say I'm lucky to have a husband who totally supports what I'm doing! Although he didn't run (even though he runs nearly every day) he was at the finish line with balloons and water :) He encourages me when I need that extra push! I am beginning to notice small things, I feel my upper body, face/neck/shoulders are more defined, I can see muscles forming in my arms/shoulders/back and my legs too.  The runs are slowly getting easier, my heart rate recovers faster, and I have more energy. I've come to terms that I have big calf muscles, if that's what the big Man gave me, I'll embrace it.  

Also, I received Fit Member of the Month at the gym! :)

My Food Log : 

Strength Training 
24 oz water 

One egg, two egg whites scrambled with fresh salsa 
8 oz crystal light 

Fat free half and half 

Greek yogurt and granola 

Garlic and pesto wrap 
Tuna and two hard boiled egg whites with two tablespoons of cracked pepper olive oil mayo 
12 oz water 
16 oz no carb energy drink 

Chocolate protein shake (EAS) 

I made homemade sloppy joes for my parenting class (3 lbs beef, ketchup, a little brown sugar, a squirt of mustard and two cans of low sodium chicken gumbo soup) 
1/2 sloppy joe mixture, without the bun 
Two servings of fresh green beans 
12 oz sugar free green tea 
5 baked lays 

24 oz water 


Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Kris- GOOD JOB!!!!!!! I am so proud of you! You are an inspiration to keep me motivated to lose this baby weight, plus others that got packed. WAY-TO-GO!!
