Monday, May 14, 2012


Weight loss is back on- the most recent photo I have is the one in the post below regarding the run. I'm currently down to 208lbs which is 6lbs difference from my last weight post. I would like to say I've lost more since then but, I'll take what I can get. My food choices haven't been as strict as in the past due to traveling, being in ND/MN, staying in a hotel for 3 days due to a work conference and my just plain inability to stick to it every single day-- this is hard work! I make mistakes, order dessert every once in awhile and enjoy a cocktail on the weekends hey, I even sleep in and skip work outs every now and then. ie. today-- I've been battling a head cold, and it totally got worse after the 5k Friday (yes, Monica I know I should have stayed home now) but...needless to say, I decided to sleep in and let me tell you, Okay, sorry that was dramatic but that's how sleeping in felt...yes, that good!! Anyway, the good news is, I still feel good, I'm still excited to work out again tomorrow, and I still am continuing to better my health each and every day!! I will say, oatmeal in the am when you have a sore throat is amazing! And for those of you wondering, yes, my cough drops are sugar free :)

Remember, running is a pain in the ass'll give you a nice one ;)

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