Friday, August 10, 2012

reunited and it feels so good...

not even exaggerating.  after a two week hiatus i'm back, and the sore muscles are feelings of health and feeling good about myself once again.  no, don't read that last sentence wrong and think that i only feel good about myself when i'm at the gym, but generally if you take care of yourself (however that is) you feel better.  for me, working out is one way of taking care of myself.

i ran on the treadmill yesterday, which i haven't done in, hmmm... forever! and i actually enjoyed it, time went by quickly and surprisingly it felt good.  i think the lower impact of a treadmill was a good choice for my first run back.  pushed out 2.5 miles and spent 25 minutes lifting, shoulders, back, biceps and triceps.


the two weeks that i was m.i.a. from the gym were due to my tonsillectomy. let me tell you, worst pain i've ever had. not to mention for the first solid week i couldn't get any food down.  okay, i take that back; applesauce, protein smoothie here and there and some ice chips.  needless to say, the doctor told me i would loose weight and after all even though that's what i've been trying to do for the last 6 months, weight loss was the last thing on my mind as i was watching the anesthesiologist administer anesthesia. i'm going to consider my post-op just a jump start to getting back on track.  to date i've lost 11 lbs due to this surgery and for about a week now i've been back to eating more common foods, soft things, of course.  however, the -11 lbs means finally...i'm under 200, and i couldn't believe my eyes when the nurse told me, not to mention that when i told her how much i weighed in pre-op, her eyes nearly popped out of her head and she said,
"what, there is no way that's your weight, you can't possibly weight that!" 
to which i said
"generally, when people lie about their weight it's in their favor" 
we both got a good laugh out of that.

i'm going to greet 197 with a new face and new goals, more importantly, i feel good, wait i mean, i feel fabulous.

what i'm gearing up for next:
september - sprint biathlon, 10 mile bike 3.2 mile run (september 15)
october - couple 5k's most importantly, the color run in miami (october 21)
november - 5k's in key west
december - possibly a relay tri, i'll bike and run (sprint distance) if i can find a swimmer
january- that daunting half marathon around this quaint island...

if i can do it, you can too.  

check out this lady's blog good 

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one! 

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