Monday, September 3, 2012

My golden ticket

Yes, you read that correctly. I have the golden ticket...that is, to continue my kick to getting healthy. There are bound to be struggles and successes and my struggle lately has been food, snacks, chips, crackers, ice cream, cookies, you name it.

When I expressed this challenge and frustration to my trainer she met me by saying, "no big deal, everyone has set backs we'll get back on track, together"

Today, she handed me what I'm going to call my golden ticket. I know you're probably thinking...Kristin, why didn't you type it out and hold yourself accountable, well because it was too damn hard, at least at this point. So, until I can get a grip and get back to shutting the cupboard when I see cookies and quick snacks, I'm in the passenger seat of my nutritional life, but I am bound and determined to drive it again.

I know, I know this is what I make of it, it is MY work out, MY run, and MY body...but sometimes we all need a little humility in our lives and need to realize WE may not be the best at everything in OUR lives which is where being able to trust and rely in others is key To trust that they will help you become more successful and independent and to rely on them to be there for you when you need a hand getting back on your feet. (some of you may not think posting/writing a blog about myself is very humble or modest but it helps me, if you don't like it, take a hike--haha)

Anyway, overall I'm feeling good- getting up at 530 this am wasn't as much torture as I thought, and it's always nice to hear, "have a good day, I'm proud of you" as my husband got into his car and I got onto my bike to head to the gym.

(picture below L: today R: first 5k march)

1 comment:

  1. WOW Kristin what a HUGE change in just 6 mos!! You look awesome. I need a food plan like that! You are doing so well - you rock, woman!! Keep giong strong!
