Wednesday, June 20, 2012

If you're tired of starting over...

Where to begin, honestly... 
It's true, at the moment I'm lacking motivation - and even as I type this, I'm thinking about retracting that statement and saying, at the moment I am gaining motivation.

What is it that drives you? 

I've been challenged with discovering what is driving me now.  I haven't necessarly made up excuses, quit going to the gym or changed my eating habits.  But, I'm still finding myself not happy with where I am in the 'fit' world and, yes.... unmotivated.  

So, after a long conversation earlier today with a co-worker, followed by a check in with my bestie and follow up with my husband, I've decided what motivates me, and it's simply the knowledge that I'm getting results.  When I say results, they are not only the scale moving, or fitting into an old pair of jeans, but results in the context of being more energized, and feeling positive about changes, big or small.

Although I go to classes at the gym, and hit the pavement (probably not as often as I should) I'm still feeling as if I'm not putting in 100%.

10 Things I've Realized Since Working Out:  
1. I enjoy the bond and the social aspect of spending time and conversing with others who have the passion to be healthy.  
2. Motivation comes from within, and for me knowing that someone else is waiting on me for a work out appointment, holds me accountable, so accountability is huge. 
3. Monetary commitment. Gyms and trainers are expensive, bottom line. 
4. This is not easy, but it is worth it
5. Just because I have one off day/week/month does not mean it is over
6. When I do work out, I feel better throughout the day, physically and mentally
7. For me, the trainer works, for others, independence is key. 
8. My husband (this will take some explaining, see below) 
9. Build self confidence, and instill a positive self-worth as it relates to working out, if I don't feel good about myself how can I empower others to? 
10. I can do it.

So, let me explain number 8... 
Eric is, has been and always will be (hopefully!) a motivator and supporter to me.  He's my number one fan. (I know, how cliche) He's willing to meet me where I am, every single day and ride this wild roller coaster - I'm excited about working out one day and hitting the snooze the next.  He encourages me to get to the gym but at the same time knows his limits and isn't telling me that "I have to go, or I should go to lose weight" he's on board with getting healthy. He's expressed that for him, I'm perfect, but respects and honors my desire to want to get healthy - Something tells me he'd still love me a few pounds lighter, too ;)  I think it's so very important to have a partner who understands your goals and your dreams throughout life (and vice versa) in order to be a positive, effective support.

Above all, it's not the fancy equipment, new work out clothes, the race numbers, stay fit member of the month, or any rewards I've promised myself, but rather the internal feeling I get after working out, after achieving an accomplishment - if I need/desire someone else, be that a trainer or a work out buddy that's fine... there are many roads to get to the end... as long as I get there. 

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;) 

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