Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Nap at 630am, why not?

Beep beep beep...not the most pleasant thing to wake up to, and especially not at 500am. As I got out of bed I was already planning when I would go to sleep tonight. I got myself out the door and down the street to meet with Raquel and begin our Wednesday session of training. Today, I opted to not stay for pedal and pump after our training for two reasons:

1. Interval training is a different kind of sore than regular running and, well...I was sore (okay, I know not a good reason, I should have stayed)
2. I have about one week till I get my tonsils out and didn't feel like paying for a whole month membership only to waste at least two weeks while I'm recovering. I do have one free pass left which I'll use tomorrow since I don't meet with Raquel on Thursdays (sounded better in my head)

Okay, so not very legit reasons but nevertheless, reasons...excuses whatever they may be. Important thing is, I did get out and got my work out in this morning, showered, got some protein in and a little recovery drink Now, off to take a nap, BEFORE work!

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Making a sincere effort...

Monday - rest day, eat well
Tuesday - gym, eat well
Wednesday - gym, eat well
Thursday - gym, eat well
Friday - gym, eat okay
Saturday - gym(maybe), eat poorly
Sunday - gym(maybe), eat poorly

I'm back to making a sincere effort, instead of working my butt off during the week I'm going to be consistent during the weekend too... For instance I should have hit up the gym on Saturday but, visiting a friend and her baby, cleaning, grocery shopping, making dinner and enjoy a few beers took priority. So, I got up hit up the gym for strength class and spin this morning! Thank you Raquel and janeth at Stay Fit Studio! Just finished egg whites and veggie 'sausage'. But I know in order to keep making progress my consistency needs to carry over to the weekend, and staying out till 4:00am drinking delicious blue moon and cocktails isn't helping. No, you didn't hear me say that I'm not doing that anymore, what you heard, better yet what I'm trying to say is that if I chose to do that the next day I'm at the gym. It's simple what you put in, must go out. Each week I'll have to remember, I didn't put in all the work T-F to break even on the weekend.

Side note: today was one of the best spin classes I've been to in awhile, I don't know if it was the instructor, music, the energy from a full class or my own motivation, felt great!

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Q: How long is a city block?

A: Long.

Especially this morning at 520! Raquel introduced me to speed training in an effort to mix up our work outs, increase time and build more lower body muscle. Prior to this morning speed training was something I had heard of but never looked into.

Well, was the day. I was speed training. The first few blocks were good, like keeping up with my trainer good...(if you remember a few blogs ago I posted a photo of a lady running "this is what I feel like when I run, this is what I look like when I run") I'm sure I was a hot mess sprinting but, I felt good. She said, "run like someone is chasing you"!

Then one of two things happened:
1. The adrenalin wore off and I tired (which is normal and what we're working to over come, heart/lung conditioning)
2. The city blocks got longer!!

I'd like to say number two, but let's be honest. I also decided not to wear my Garmin today, in an effort to focus on the health aspect and just praise myself for getting out there instead of how fast I went. When we were done Raquel told me that she tracked that we sprinted two total miles...WOW, that went by fast! So, if you're anything like me and unsure of what speed work is...we ran a block, jogged through the intersection and sprinted a block, repeat. Eventually we'll get to jogging the previous blocks and then sprinting, and hopefully get to timing out a distance, setting an attainable goal and meeting it.

I'm continuing to meet her weekly:
Wednesday - speed work
Friday - personal training and running
Saturday/Sunday - run

and attend strength training, spin, and yoga in between!

So, when Raquel asked me towards the end of the run, how far is a city response was, long.

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

5 months, 5th 5k, and 5 sizes...coincidence?

You read it correctly...

I joined stay fit mid-February but began meeting with my trainer about 5 months ago.

I'll be running my fifth 5k tomorrow
January - Fresh Start with a Helping Heart (walk)
April - Earth Day
May - Mary Immaculate Star of the Sea
June - Road to Graduation
July - Crime Stoppers/ Rotary

I've gone down 5 sizes, from a daunting 16 on my 5'4 frame to the most recent pair of capris I bought, a size 10.

Gearing up for a 5k tomorrow morning, can't complain too much when I'll be running along the ocean.

Have a safe and happy holiday!

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

(the first photo is from January, the second photo is from this past weekend)