Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Straight up, hard work

So, as I've stated this blog will outline the good the bad and the ugly...

Proud to say that tonight I'm ready to talk about the good.

And when I say good, I mean good old fashion weight loss and over all health improvements! The picture below is from late January to late July.

How did I do it, you ask:
Diet pills?
Excessive time at the gym?

My answer:
No no no

Adequate gym time, exercise and a life style change, including good sound decisions.

Have I slipped up?
Become unmotivated at times?
Ate dessert, indulged in beautiful meals?
Enjoyed cocktails?

Yep and they were good
Uh huh, more than my fair share

...and through it all, I've had results.

My fall is shaping up quite nicely, participating in a relay tri in early September, biathlon mid September hopefully another relay tri early December and October/November full of 5ks! Get out and get motivated, it really is a good feeling.

Running is a pain in the ass but it'll give you a nice one ;)

1 comment:

  1. i stumbled upon your blog and have enjoyed reading some of your posts. thanks foe sharing your journey. way to go!!! i'm currently trying to lose 30 lbs and have lost 2:( it's hard!
