Monday, October 29, 2012

not again...

If you've been following my blog I'm sure you're thinking, "she's already written numerous blogs about getting back on track".

My answer to you: yes, indeed I have. This goes to prove that working out, weight loss, getting healthy and making changes aren't easy, hence another "back on track" blog.

My tips
- anticipate your meals for tomorrow (ie. last night we had grilled chicken so I asked my husband to grill an extra piece for a salad for lunch)
- if sorting and pre portioning help, portion away!
- I'm not saying fill your fridge with only lettuce and celery, but...finish the ice cream, give away the cookies and stay focused. Those things will make their way back, eventually. I know for myself I follow the "out of sight, out of mind" saying.
- With that being said, find something to fix those cravings. Sometimes one small piece of Dove dark chocolate does it for me (the serving is 5 so I feel good about one piece) or green tea with Splenda and a little milk.
- Eat, eat, eat throughout the day!! When I was loosing the most weight I was eating 5-6 small meals rather than breakfast lunch and dinner.
- Find me on my fitness pal. (kjkamm)
- Set goals and get out there!
(These are in no way affiliated with anything research related, just a few things that I know work for me)

I usually take Mondays off, but... I signed up for a Zombie Run this evening. More like a zombie obstacle course... I'll let you know how it goes.

Started today with coffee, one egg three egg whites and turkey sausage. Better than the sugary cereal that is in my cupboard. Snack for today consist of Greek yogurt, almost and dried blueberries Lunch is a nice big mixed green salad, grilled chicken, a little garlic feta, and olive oil dressing. Followed by A LOT of water!!

Running is a pain in the ass, but it'll give you a nice one :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

6:10am or not at all...

My alarm went off at 5:30am, I was restless for about 20 minutes until finally something clicked and I put one foot in front of the other as I got out of bed.

Strength class begins at 6:15am and typically, I like to be there at 6:00am so I can set up my weights and get everything in order, however today...I got there at 6:10am...but for me, 6:10am is better than not going at all.

I'm going to take a minute and toot my own horn; recently it's been more and more difficult to wake up and work out, even difficult to resist the foods I know I don't need. It's the small successes!

I told Raquel that I'm just not committed right now to continue with personal training. I was paying to work out, run and have her look at and critique my food...but my food had been slowly slipping. To me, I was "undoing" everything we had worked on together. And yes, she can help to support me but before I get that extra push of motivation from someone else, I need to find it inside of myself.

So, now I am on my own.
Getting to class on my own.
Making good food decisions on my own.
And most importantly...
Continuing to do this for my self.

Somethings that I want to leave you with:
What are you doing for yourself?
How do you get motivate?
What's your favorite most satisfying "cheat meal"?
Consider an upcoming race...1/2 marathon training begins November 1, 2012

Running is a pain in the ass but it will give you a nice one ;)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Life happens

Where do I begin??

Maybe, I've already answered that question...I should begin with, life happens.

Set my alarm for 530a and before I know it, it is 1030p and I'm doing everything I can to get into bed.

I'm still logging my food using "my fitness pal" and sending the summary to Raquel. I feel good but I'm not loosing like I would like to. I can afford to say good bye to a few more pounds while I'm on my way to getting even more healthier.

Still running, still going to class and still eating desserts. It's a battle everyday, but I rather battle it now when I can!!

The photo here was taken earlier this week, it's hard to tell but the compression shorts/spandex are 5a bit big... something I can't explain about the feeling of putting on clothes that used to be too tight that now are too loose.

Running is a pain in the ass, but it'll give you a nice one!