Sunday, May 27, 2012

we all have low points...

Lets be honest, working out isn't all flowers and butterflies.  Sure it may make you feel and look good, but as everything once you get into a routine when that routine is broken it's hard to get back into it. I can have all the motivation in the world but putting my shoes on and getting down the street to the gym is another story.  I ran by myself yesterday, it's been a loooooong time since I've done that.  I wanted to pace myself at an 11 minute mile, I only did two but, I accomplished my goal.  I also went to strength this am and spin right after.  My trainer asked me what was wrong half way through strength and of course I said, "nothing".  But, while I stood in the room with my weights, bricks, mat, chair, ankle weights, and water surrounded by floor to ceiling mirrors I realized what was wrong...I felt horrible about myself.  If you've been following you know that I've been inconsistent with working out for the last few weeks, I blamed it on being home, traveling for work, being sick... either way I wasn't in the gym and not taking care of myself.  I'm back to making good choices about food and making sure that I'm active.  I told all of you that this was going to be an honest blog, filled with both strengths and challenges, and I need you to know that right now, I'm challenged. I've plateaued, and I need to make smart changes to my daily routine in order to continue to see the changes that will do more than just help me fit into my skinny jeans.

I'm down to anywhere from 205-208lbs things are fitting better and I've begun to wear 'old' clothes, you know...the ones that you keep around but don't think you'll ever wear again, well... my advice to you is keep those clothes because you will wear them again! I'm off to buy myself a new gym bag, enjoy the weekend and stay active!  ;)  Check here for some inspiration and training!

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So sore...

But I wouldn't want it any other way!! Seriously, I've gotten to the point where sore is a good thing! As you know, I've had a week off- so beginning:
Monday 2 mile run
Tuesday strength training upper and lower body
Wednesday 3 mile run, pedal and pump

each of those followed with protein and good choices throughout the day.

Still my scale has a dead battery, but soon I will replace it and get some updated numbers on here.

Looking forward to the long weekend and a 5k the following weekend. I'm seriously considering a half marathon either in November or January I need to figure out how long I need to train. Also, I'm cutting back to meeting with my trainer once a month and she's going to come up with an individualized plan for me. Of course I'll see her in the mornings for runs and classes but instead of meeting weekly we'll see how monthly goes, I like the idea of someone checking in with me and holding me accountable and the ideal of a group is helpful too!
Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

Ps- I saw a girl today at the gym who has made strides and she's doing great, I was able to catch her after class and let her know that I've noticed her dedication and how great she looks. It's important to remember to pay it forward and let people know that you're noticing their accomplishments That is not to be confused with falsifying that and giving a compliment just to do it. Needless to say, she seemed very happy and from experience, hearing that is powerful and is encouraging.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


So, due to being sick I'll be honest- my last post was about how excited I was to get back into working out, unfortunately I've been on a workout halt for a week. I did train Friday, but that was short lived as I felt like I was going to pass out. Needless to say, my 600am run tomorrow is going to come early.

Eric loves pizza, and I mean LOVES, it... Fancy schmancy pizzas to $5.00 dominos, pizza pizza pizza!! We like to make homemade pizzas and I used to make my own crust, someone I've found an excuse to just use the store bought ones (not too bad). Anyway, without working out I called the whole week a wash and gave in. We had pizza.

One ready made crust
Rotisserie chicken (picked off the bone, so EASY)
Alfredo sauce
Voila... Chicken Alfredo pizza!

I guess we were so hungry that I forgot to get a photo when it was done, but I did get a lovely shot of a Spinach pizza ;)

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Vibrams, we meet again tomorrow.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Weight loss is back on- the most recent photo I have is the one in the post below regarding the run. I'm currently down to 208lbs which is 6lbs difference from my last weight post. I would like to say I've lost more since then but, I'll take what I can get. My food choices haven't been as strict as in the past due to traveling, being in ND/MN, staying in a hotel for 3 days due to a work conference and my just plain inability to stick to it every single day-- this is hard work! I make mistakes, order dessert every once in awhile and enjoy a cocktail on the weekends hey, I even sleep in and skip work outs every now and then. ie. today-- I've been battling a head cold, and it totally got worse after the 5k Friday (yes, Monica I know I should have stayed home now) but...needless to say, I decided to sleep in and let me tell you, Okay, sorry that was dramatic but that's how sleeping in felt...yes, that good!! Anyway, the good news is, I still feel good, I'm still excited to work out again tomorrow, and I still am continuing to better my health each and every day!! I will say, oatmeal in the am when you have a sore throat is amazing! And for those of you wondering, yes, my cough drops are sugar free :)

Remember, running is a pain in the ass'll give you a nice one ;)

Friday, May 11, 2012


It's been awhile since I've posted because I feel like I've been on a whirl wind- was in MN for Megan's graduation, came home for one night, kept the same bags that I had packed and went to Miami for two days of training. Anyway, I drive back today and as soon as I got home I did another 5k. By far the worst time I've ever gotten, but finishing is always an accomplishment. This route was tough, running on gravel/rocks and then you had to circle and do the route twice and just when you thought you were had to run out to the pier and back, needless to say another 5k under the belt!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Strength training

Started off my Tuesday, right. And by right I mean with a 615am strength training class. We did reps of 15, find the exercises below:
Step ups on chairs right foot first
Step ups on chair left foot first
2 sets walking lunges
Right foot on the chair left up and down
Left foot on the chair right up and down
2 sets walking lunges
Squats with weights
2 sets walking lunges
Ankle weights on right leg; 1 min extensions, 1 min toe in, 1 min toe out
Ankle weights on left leg; 1 min extensions, 1 min toe in, 1 min toe out
2 sets walking lunges
Tricep rows against wall
Tricep rows seated
2 sets walking lunges
Laying down:
Press ups
Skull crushers
20 leg raises
Military press
20 leg raises
Biceps; wrists out, hammer curls
20 leg raises

Followed with a quick bike home and a EAS protein shake! Feeling better already!!

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Running tomorrow am!

Monday, May 7, 2012

back on track...

As you know, I took a little break from Key West and traveled to Fargo/Moorhead for my sisters graduation. I did attend a spin class and did a few free weights on my own, and walked quite a bit but did not stay on track like I was planning. Last time I was on vacation, or I guess that time was 'staycation' I really began to see results after. It wasn't even that I had put more weight on but rather that the shake up in my daily routine was enough to kick start and continue my weight loss. The first night Megan and Chris took me to a great pizza place...typically I'll pass on the pizza but honestly, this was so worth it. I should have snagged a picture. It was a Thai chicken pizza with peanut oil. So tasty!! Also, in celebration of Megan's graduation, we found a place called Maxwells (courtesy of Megan Strand) and it was phenom! Even though I'm used to super fresh seafood we had scallops for an appetizer and they were definitely as fresh as the seafood in KW. I figured since I was home I'd treat myself walleye (see below)

Anyway, to get to my point, I'm back on track tomorrow! Starting with 6:15am strength class...followed by protein and a well rounded breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner...I'll post another meal day tomorrow. Depending on what Eric has in the fridge it could get interesting. I will say I bought a pair of pants last week that were a 12!! -- slowly but surely, I'm getting there!

Just a quick shout out: Monica and family...GREAT job running the 5k on Saturday, and to my trainer, personal best!!! Excited for the night run in June!

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

breakfast on the go

I woke up early, grabbed some granola and headed out the as soon as I got to Miami I was in search of some breakfast, I walked past every single fast food place imaginable as well as some nicer sit down places...yes I have the time and I probably could have sat down and ordered egg whites however I wanted something quick. So I grabbed a earl grey tea added some Splenda and fat free half and half and an oatmeal which I graciously declined the brown sugar and dried fruit but settled for it prepared with water , cinnamon and some Splenda. Very tasty, and a switch from my normal eggs. Enjoy breakfast today!!

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Traveling cramping your work out?

I'm traveling today and have great plans of working out once I get to my destination, don't everyone get excited its Fargo... :) anyway, I realized that I'll be seated pretty much all day, so my solution...pack a really heavy carry on and lift it up into the overhead bin endlessly. Just kidding, but in all honesty I think this just goes to answer Monica's question...yes, I may be afraid to take a day off. Okay, so I've found that I really enjoy working out and every week I have managed to take a day off. However, I need to remember to take it easy and be careful because the last thing is want is an injury. I've heard of airports that offer yoga...or maybe I'll settle for a pedicure and really enjoy the "day off"!

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

slept in

Yes, today I slept in. I went to the gym the other day with Monica and we again did the body for life pyramid (found on a past blog) my muscles were sore and I was just plain exhausted. Now that I am up I am kicking myself for not going- which just means after teaching class tonight I'm going to run. One more day in KW before heading up to MN/ND for Megan's graduation which means I'll have to find a routine for working out up there. Ever feel that vacations throw off your work out schedule? Anyway, I feel great I really do and my pants feel looser everyday, however my scale battery is dead so until I get another one I'm out of luck. I'm hoping I'll be really surprised when I get a new battery :) just as a side note, before working out and changing my life I told myself and others that I didn't want to really lose weight because I liked my wardrobe and didn't want to buy all new clothes...I lied, go figure. Of course I have pieces I love but, getting to shop for smaller sizes is very rewarding!