Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Strength training

Started off my Tuesday, right. And by right I mean with a 615am strength training class. We did reps of 15, find the exercises below:
Step ups on chairs right foot first
Step ups on chair left foot first
2 sets walking lunges
Right foot on the chair left up and down
Left foot on the chair right up and down
2 sets walking lunges
Squats with weights
2 sets walking lunges
Ankle weights on right leg; 1 min extensions, 1 min toe in, 1 min toe out
Ankle weights on left leg; 1 min extensions, 1 min toe in, 1 min toe out
2 sets walking lunges
Tricep rows against wall
Tricep rows seated
2 sets walking lunges
Laying down:
Press ups
Skull crushers
20 leg raises
Military press
20 leg raises
Biceps; wrists out, hammer curls
20 leg raises

Followed with a quick bike home and a EAS protein shake! Feeling better already!!

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Running tomorrow am!

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