Sunday, May 27, 2012

we all have low points...

Lets be honest, working out isn't all flowers and butterflies.  Sure it may make you feel and look good, but as everything once you get into a routine when that routine is broken it's hard to get back into it. I can have all the motivation in the world but putting my shoes on and getting down the street to the gym is another story.  I ran by myself yesterday, it's been a loooooong time since I've done that.  I wanted to pace myself at an 11 minute mile, I only did two but, I accomplished my goal.  I also went to strength this am and spin right after.  My trainer asked me what was wrong half way through strength and of course I said, "nothing".  But, while I stood in the room with my weights, bricks, mat, chair, ankle weights, and water surrounded by floor to ceiling mirrors I realized what was wrong...I felt horrible about myself.  If you've been following you know that I've been inconsistent with working out for the last few weeks, I blamed it on being home, traveling for work, being sick... either way I wasn't in the gym and not taking care of myself.  I'm back to making good choices about food and making sure that I'm active.  I told all of you that this was going to be an honest blog, filled with both strengths and challenges, and I need you to know that right now, I'm challenged. I've plateaued, and I need to make smart changes to my daily routine in order to continue to see the changes that will do more than just help me fit into my skinny jeans.

I'm down to anywhere from 205-208lbs things are fitting better and I've begun to wear 'old' clothes, you know...the ones that you keep around but don't think you'll ever wear again, well... my advice to you is keep those clothes because you will wear them again! I'm off to buy myself a new gym bag, enjoy the weekend and stay active!  ;)  Check here for some inspiration and training!

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

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