Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So sore...

But I wouldn't want it any other way!! Seriously, I've gotten to the point where sore is a good thing! As you know, I've had a week off- so beginning:
Monday 2 mile run
Tuesday strength training upper and lower body
Wednesday 3 mile run, pedal and pump

each of those followed with protein and good choices throughout the day.

Still my scale has a dead battery, but soon I will replace it and get some updated numbers on here.

Looking forward to the long weekend and a 5k the following weekend. I'm seriously considering a half marathon either in November or January I need to figure out how long I need to train. Also, I'm cutting back to meeting with my trainer once a month and she's going to come up with an individualized plan for me. Of course I'll see her in the mornings for runs and classes but instead of meeting weekly we'll see how monthly goes, I like the idea of someone checking in with me and holding me accountable and the ideal of a group is helpful too!
Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

Ps- I saw a girl today at the gym who has made strides and she's doing great, I was able to catch her after class and let her know that I've noticed her dedication and how great she looks. It's important to remember to pay it forward and let people know that you're noticing their accomplishments That is not to be confused with falsifying that and giving a compliment just to do it. Needless to say, she seemed very happy and from experience, hearing that is powerful and is encouraging.

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