Saturday, April 28, 2012

shaving time off, one 5k at a time!

Slowly but surely, I'll shave more time off of my 5k. Ran an 11 minute mile this time! Celebrating the small successes! I really enjoyed this run, lots of turns but it kept the run interesting. I've officially decided that it takes me about a mile to get settled into my pace and controlling my breath, and no matter how hard I try...taking off at that shotgun start gets my adrenalin pumping, for instance my first mile was 10.31. But hey, maybe it'll give me something to shoot for on the next run. I'll try to do one every month although I'll miss May, due to being out of town so, looks like June 2 is the next one, it's a night run, I'm looking forward to it. The pictures are of me and my friend Leah and the group is Lindsay, Monica, me and Leah. **shout out to Leah, first 5k complete, speedy Gonzales! It helps to have people to run with, and they don't have to literally run besides you but to know they'll cheer you on and vice versa is important and motivating!!!

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and your lifestyle change! You actually inspired me to start blogging again, so I made one too! I also am trying to do a 5k each month...well, starting in May! :) You're doing awesome!
