Saturday, December 22, 2012

Never in a million years

Did I think;
I would be as physically active as I am now

I would be able to say I have 7 solid miles under my belt

I would say I enjoyed running

I would be setting goals for myself that begin with 13.1 and end with miles

I'd find such support and encouragement through this journey

I would be able to soak up this gorgeous view everyday (picture below)

While running in Key West that my fleece lined running tights would come in handy not only in Minnesota but also in Key West!

Running is a pain in the ass but it'll give you a nice one.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Just down and back what I heard from Bill, after running down the the White Street Pier and doing a compilation of burpees, sprints, planks, even bear crawls through the sand.

Now, those three little words, "down and back" seem small, perhaps even easy?

Not to be fooled, those three little words meant down to Bertha Street and back to the studio, and all though the distance may be short (little under 3 miles total) after calisthenics on the beach, 3 miles is tough.

I told him it was tough, but I made it through and it even feels better after its DONE, he said "join the club" :)

Anyone who has been physically active knows the "feels so good it hurts" burn in the muscles, that soreness that is indicative of a good past workout. Even though I know I'll be sore, I know it'll be difficult and I know it'll push me... if I can remember to look past all that and keep focused on my goals I'll forget about the burn and the sweat in the eyes.

I'm proud and honored to be part of an unwritten "club" that enjoys a good work out, a little muscle soreness and certainly a great deal of accomplishment.

What will you do today?

Running is a pain in the ass but it'll give you a nice one.

Monday, December 17, 2012

We are dedicated...

Just got in from a 3 mile run... Can't say I've blogged lately but today is a new day. I've been saying for weeks even months, "getting back into it" "starting over" but it wasn't until I truly realized, or should say admitted to myself that, yes I have the tools but I'm not self disciplined enough to do it alone.

I need the:
extra push
group setting
and good old, encouragement (you know it you like to hear you're doing well, too)

With all that being said, I also need change, change in my diet, exercise routine and, trainer. Raquel fit perfectly for what I needed in the beginning and many months to follow; working on beginning running, strength, spinning, etc. But now as I'm nearing the half marathon, I'm looking for guidance from someone who is well versed in the running world, and can run along side me.

Even after our first run together, I'm feeling more confident and better about myself. I was pushed harder, taught more and ran faster for a period of time. Bill, with Ultimate Athletics has brought the love of running back out of me in a short 30 minutes. Telling me "you'll get back to the point if loving running"

I want to so badly be there.

Through all the huffing and puffing and even though a point that I didn't think I could come out...words of encouragement seemed to surround me. I know it was a short run, and a very short period of time in both of our busy days, but for those 30 minutes I was reminded again why I started running...

for me

and I CAN and I WILL complete this half marathon!

Running is a pain in the ass, but it'll give you a nice one

(I'm going to upload a photo every week- change is coming, I can feel it!!)

Monday, October 29, 2012

not again...

If you've been following my blog I'm sure you're thinking, "she's already written numerous blogs about getting back on track".

My answer to you: yes, indeed I have. This goes to prove that working out, weight loss, getting healthy and making changes aren't easy, hence another "back on track" blog.

My tips
- anticipate your meals for tomorrow (ie. last night we had grilled chicken so I asked my husband to grill an extra piece for a salad for lunch)
- if sorting and pre portioning help, portion away!
- I'm not saying fill your fridge with only lettuce and celery, but...finish the ice cream, give away the cookies and stay focused. Those things will make their way back, eventually. I know for myself I follow the "out of sight, out of mind" saying.
- With that being said, find something to fix those cravings. Sometimes one small piece of Dove dark chocolate does it for me (the serving is 5 so I feel good about one piece) or green tea with Splenda and a little milk.
- Eat, eat, eat throughout the day!! When I was loosing the most weight I was eating 5-6 small meals rather than breakfast lunch and dinner.
- Find me on my fitness pal. (kjkamm)
- Set goals and get out there!
(These are in no way affiliated with anything research related, just a few things that I know work for me)

I usually take Mondays off, but... I signed up for a Zombie Run this evening. More like a zombie obstacle course... I'll let you know how it goes.

Started today with coffee, one egg three egg whites and turkey sausage. Better than the sugary cereal that is in my cupboard. Snack for today consist of Greek yogurt, almost and dried blueberries Lunch is a nice big mixed green salad, grilled chicken, a little garlic feta, and olive oil dressing. Followed by A LOT of water!!

Running is a pain in the ass, but it'll give you a nice one :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

6:10am or not at all...

My alarm went off at 5:30am, I was restless for about 20 minutes until finally something clicked and I put one foot in front of the other as I got out of bed.

Strength class begins at 6:15am and typically, I like to be there at 6:00am so I can set up my weights and get everything in order, however today...I got there at 6:10am...but for me, 6:10am is better than not going at all.

I'm going to take a minute and toot my own horn; recently it's been more and more difficult to wake up and work out, even difficult to resist the foods I know I don't need. It's the small successes!

I told Raquel that I'm just not committed right now to continue with personal training. I was paying to work out, run and have her look at and critique my food...but my food had been slowly slipping. To me, I was "undoing" everything we had worked on together. And yes, she can help to support me but before I get that extra push of motivation from someone else, I need to find it inside of myself.

So, now I am on my own.
Getting to class on my own.
Making good food decisions on my own.
And most importantly...
Continuing to do this for my self.

Somethings that I want to leave you with:
What are you doing for yourself?
How do you get motivate?
What's your favorite most satisfying "cheat meal"?
Consider an upcoming race...1/2 marathon training begins November 1, 2012

Running is a pain in the ass but it will give you a nice one ;)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Life happens

Where do I begin??

Maybe, I've already answered that question...I should begin with, life happens.

Set my alarm for 530a and before I know it, it is 1030p and I'm doing everything I can to get into bed.

I'm still logging my food using "my fitness pal" and sending the summary to Raquel. I feel good but I'm not loosing like I would like to. I can afford to say good bye to a few more pounds while I'm on my way to getting even more healthier.

Still running, still going to class and still eating desserts. It's a battle everyday, but I rather battle it now when I can!!

The photo here was taken earlier this week, it's hard to tell but the compression shorts/spandex are 5a bit big... something I can't explain about the feeling of putting on clothes that used to be too tight that now are too loose.

Running is a pain in the ass, but it'll give you a nice one!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Running, I mean sprinting

Alright party people, finally the day has come. I ran with Eric. I know, I've said I was going to in the past, but today we really did. And it was surprisingly very helpful and enjoyable. He pushed me enough to keep me going even getting some sprinting in. I love my husband. We're back at it tomorrow!

Running is a pain in the ass, but it'll give you a nice one!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

where have i been?

answer to that question,
i don't have a quirky response or a clever answer...
no secrets or adventures that have kept me away from the computer...
actually, i sit down at a computer of some sort every single day, for an extended period of time...

all i can leave with you for today is,

inspiration. i know it's what i needed this morning.  

i take those first few lines back, i should probably tell you that since my last post i have participated in a relay triathlon, a 5k and a biathlon. okay, happy now? i've been busy... but it's not an excuse. i owe it to myself to continue to blog and make progress, after all when i was recording everything progress and food, and making it to the gym, thats when i saw results.  

running is a pain in the ass, but it'll give you a nice one :) 

Monday, September 3, 2012

My golden ticket

Yes, you read that correctly. I have the golden ticket...that is, to continue my kick to getting healthy. There are bound to be struggles and successes and my struggle lately has been food, snacks, chips, crackers, ice cream, cookies, you name it.

When I expressed this challenge and frustration to my trainer she met me by saying, "no big deal, everyone has set backs we'll get back on track, together"

Today, she handed me what I'm going to call my golden ticket. I know you're probably thinking...Kristin, why didn't you type it out and hold yourself accountable, well because it was too damn hard, at least at this point. So, until I can get a grip and get back to shutting the cupboard when I see cookies and quick snacks, I'm in the passenger seat of my nutritional life, but I am bound and determined to drive it again.

I know, I know this is what I make of it, it is MY work out, MY run, and MY body...but sometimes we all need a little humility in our lives and need to realize WE may not be the best at everything in OUR lives which is where being able to trust and rely in others is key To trust that they will help you become more successful and independent and to rely on them to be there for you when you need a hand getting back on your feet. (some of you may not think posting/writing a blog about myself is very humble or modest but it helps me, if you don't like it, take a hike--haha)

Anyway, overall I'm feeling good- getting up at 530 this am wasn't as much torture as I thought, and it's always nice to hear, "have a good day, I'm proud of you" as my husband got into his car and I got onto my bike to head to the gym.

(picture below L: today R: first 5k march)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

water water water

Yesterday that hill on Palm Ave felt like it could go on forever...not mention the wind once I got to the top. Took a relaxing bike ride yesterday evening, which followed a chicken and veggie dinner. Of course I could have chosen other (healthier) veggies to throw in but I was feeling like I wanted a "comfort" food and this is what I went to, and it was delish if I do say do myself.

I continued my work out schedule straight into today...530am I work up and of course contemplated staying in bed. However, I got up and pedaled down to the gym. I got in a good morning of strength training, and a run. After several emails, texts and excuses...(yes, I make excuses) to my trainer I am hopeful that things will only get better and by get better I mean get even healthier. I am aware of when to stop and when is too much, however at this time I'm ready to continue and push forward. I need to remember to drink MORE water, two 24oz bottles down already. Followed by one egg and three egg whites with salsa.

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


As requested... here goes another try at documenting my food... you think it would be easy since I'm emailing it to my trainer, but...for some reason I've struggled with putting it on here.



6oz protein shake (EAS)

One egg, two egg whites scrambled
Crystal light

Fat free half and half


Garden salad (greens, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, Italian vinaigrette)
Garlic Knots (yes, they sound just as delicious as they taste...probably could have done without them, but...)Water


Turkey hot dog
Green beans
Sugar free green tea


Also, I found a GREAT blog, click here ! I prepared these, "overnight, no-cook refrigerator oatmeals" 

Raspberry Vanilla and Blueberry Maple 

I used flax instead of chia seed...just happened to be what I had on hand. 

Almost finished project...I'll report back tomorrow on how it was!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Straight up, hard work

So, as I've stated this blog will outline the good the bad and the ugly...

Proud to say that tonight I'm ready to talk about the good.

And when I say good, I mean good old fashion weight loss and over all health improvements! The picture below is from late January to late July.

How did I do it, you ask:
Diet pills?
Excessive time at the gym?

My answer:
No no no

Adequate gym time, exercise and a life style change, including good sound decisions.

Have I slipped up?
Become unmotivated at times?
Ate dessert, indulged in beautiful meals?
Enjoyed cocktails?

Yep and they were good
Uh huh, more than my fair share

...and through it all, I've had results.

My fall is shaping up quite nicely, participating in a relay tri in early September, biathlon mid September hopefully another relay tri early December and October/November full of 5ks! Get out and get motivated, it really is a good feeling.

Running is a pain in the ass but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Friday, August 10, 2012

reunited and it feels so good...

not even exaggerating.  after a two week hiatus i'm back, and the sore muscles are feelings of health and feeling good about myself once again.  no, don't read that last sentence wrong and think that i only feel good about myself when i'm at the gym, but generally if you take care of yourself (however that is) you feel better.  for me, working out is one way of taking care of myself.

i ran on the treadmill yesterday, which i haven't done in, hmmm... forever! and i actually enjoyed it, time went by quickly and surprisingly it felt good.  i think the lower impact of a treadmill was a good choice for my first run back.  pushed out 2.5 miles and spent 25 minutes lifting, shoulders, back, biceps and triceps.


the two weeks that i was m.i.a. from the gym were due to my tonsillectomy. let me tell you, worst pain i've ever had. not to mention for the first solid week i couldn't get any food down.  okay, i take that back; applesauce, protein smoothie here and there and some ice chips.  needless to say, the doctor told me i would loose weight and after all even though that's what i've been trying to do for the last 6 months, weight loss was the last thing on my mind as i was watching the anesthesiologist administer anesthesia. i'm going to consider my post-op just a jump start to getting back on track.  to date i've lost 11 lbs due to this surgery and for about a week now i've been back to eating more common foods, soft things, of course.  however, the -11 lbs means finally...i'm under 200, and i couldn't believe my eyes when the nurse told me, not to mention that when i told her how much i weighed in pre-op, her eyes nearly popped out of her head and she said,
"what, there is no way that's your weight, you can't possibly weight that!" 
to which i said
"generally, when people lie about their weight it's in their favor" 
we both got a good laugh out of that.

i'm going to greet 197 with a new face and new goals, more importantly, i feel good, wait i mean, i feel fabulous.

what i'm gearing up for next:
september - sprint biathlon, 10 mile bike 3.2 mile run (september 15)
october - couple 5k's most importantly, the color run in miami (october 21)
november - 5k's in key west
december - possibly a relay tri, i'll bike and run (sprint distance) if i can find a swimmer
january- that daunting half marathon around this quaint island...

if i can do it, you can too.  

check out this lady's blog good 

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one! 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Nap at 630am, why not?

Beep beep beep...not the most pleasant thing to wake up to, and especially not at 500am. As I got out of bed I was already planning when I would go to sleep tonight. I got myself out the door and down the street to meet with Raquel and begin our Wednesday session of training. Today, I opted to not stay for pedal and pump after our training for two reasons:

1. Interval training is a different kind of sore than regular running and, well...I was sore (okay, I know not a good reason, I should have stayed)
2. I have about one week till I get my tonsils out and didn't feel like paying for a whole month membership only to waste at least two weeks while I'm recovering. I do have one free pass left which I'll use tomorrow since I don't meet with Raquel on Thursdays (sounded better in my head)

Okay, so not very legit reasons but nevertheless, reasons...excuses whatever they may be. Important thing is, I did get out and got my work out in this morning, showered, got some protein in and a little recovery drink Now, off to take a nap, BEFORE work!

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Making a sincere effort...

Monday - rest day, eat well
Tuesday - gym, eat well
Wednesday - gym, eat well
Thursday - gym, eat well
Friday - gym, eat okay
Saturday - gym(maybe), eat poorly
Sunday - gym(maybe), eat poorly

I'm back to making a sincere effort, instead of working my butt off during the week I'm going to be consistent during the weekend too... For instance I should have hit up the gym on Saturday but, visiting a friend and her baby, cleaning, grocery shopping, making dinner and enjoy a few beers took priority. So, I got up hit up the gym for strength class and spin this morning! Thank you Raquel and janeth at Stay Fit Studio! Just finished egg whites and veggie 'sausage'. But I know in order to keep making progress my consistency needs to carry over to the weekend, and staying out till 4:00am drinking delicious blue moon and cocktails isn't helping. No, you didn't hear me say that I'm not doing that anymore, what you heard, better yet what I'm trying to say is that if I chose to do that the next day I'm at the gym. It's simple what you put in, must go out. Each week I'll have to remember, I didn't put in all the work T-F to break even on the weekend.

Side note: today was one of the best spin classes I've been to in awhile, I don't know if it was the instructor, music, the energy from a full class or my own motivation, felt great!

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Q: How long is a city block?

A: Long.

Especially this morning at 520! Raquel introduced me to speed training in an effort to mix up our work outs, increase time and build more lower body muscle. Prior to this morning speed training was something I had heard of but never looked into.

Well, was the day. I was speed training. The first few blocks were good, like keeping up with my trainer good...(if you remember a few blogs ago I posted a photo of a lady running "this is what I feel like when I run, this is what I look like when I run") I'm sure I was a hot mess sprinting but, I felt good. She said, "run like someone is chasing you"!

Then one of two things happened:
1. The adrenalin wore off and I tired (which is normal and what we're working to over come, heart/lung conditioning)
2. The city blocks got longer!!

I'd like to say number two, but let's be honest. I also decided not to wear my Garmin today, in an effort to focus on the health aspect and just praise myself for getting out there instead of how fast I went. When we were done Raquel told me that she tracked that we sprinted two total miles...WOW, that went by fast! So, if you're anything like me and unsure of what speed work is...we ran a block, jogged through the intersection and sprinted a block, repeat. Eventually we'll get to jogging the previous blocks and then sprinting, and hopefully get to timing out a distance, setting an attainable goal and meeting it.

I'm continuing to meet her weekly:
Wednesday - speed work
Friday - personal training and running
Saturday/Sunday - run

and attend strength training, spin, and yoga in between!

So, when Raquel asked me towards the end of the run, how far is a city response was, long.

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

5 months, 5th 5k, and 5 sizes...coincidence?

You read it correctly...

I joined stay fit mid-February but began meeting with my trainer about 5 months ago.

I'll be running my fifth 5k tomorrow
January - Fresh Start with a Helping Heart (walk)
April - Earth Day
May - Mary Immaculate Star of the Sea
June - Road to Graduation
July - Crime Stoppers/ Rotary

I've gone down 5 sizes, from a daunting 16 on my 5'4 frame to the most recent pair of capris I bought, a size 10.

Gearing up for a 5k tomorrow morning, can't complain too much when I'll be running along the ocean.

Have a safe and happy holiday!

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

(the first photo is from January, the second photo is from this past weekend)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I dropped my banana...

Let me start out by saying, on my bike ride down the street to the gym, I enjoy a banana as well as the balancing act of staying on the bike with my duffle (gym) bag and make sure I don't hit anything as I make it down a dimly lit street. Well today, you guessed it... I dropped my banana, and of course I was already running late.  You may think this is no big deal, and it wasn't until I got in from my run. *not feeling well* Since I started working out I've always ate 1/2 a banana in the morning before hand so I had something in my stomach, well today I was missing my something, because it was three blocks back being pecked away by birds. Moral of the story, eat something before you work out; as for me... keep something extra in my bag.  Today, I found a piece of gum.

Lets do this: 
That's exactly how I feel. I had a good conversation with Raquel today during our run.  We discussed what changes I've gone through lately and how to get back on track.  As I spilled my work out heart and soul, I realized it all made sense... (for those of you who I've talked to, I'm sure you already know what's coming) but, when I work out I feel good about myself, I feel like I want to eat right, and I want to continue, but when I feel bad I make excuses, I allow myself to make silly mistakes and don't hold myself accountable.  Well folks, I'm feeling good! As I was running past the Casa Marina and weaving through the small neighborhoods of Key West, I realized something...I was still running with Raquel. I told her, you may be running slower, but I'm for now I'm going to tell myself that you're not and I've actually kept up with you the whole time.  She laughed and said, this is my pace, maybe slightly faster, but for the most part, this is my pace... WHAT! Could you say that again?? Kammermeier is going to finish this morning run along side of you rather than blocks behind you? Hold the phone, people... this has not happened in months, like since our first run! 

So, we carried on.  She asked me how I felt about a half marathon...dun dun dun. How do I feel, scared, 13 point what, "too heavy and slow to run that far", intimidated, anxious, wait...maybe excited, a sense of accomplishment, over the moon and back for everyone who does them, and someday myself... does that answer your question? Raquel, I'd love to do it, I would LOVE to do it, and I've talked to Monica and Danielle about them a million times...BUT, I don't think I can. I don't want to fail, and failing to me is not's not racing everyone else, or even walking, it's not finishing, and not finishing for a silly reason like not training or preparing myself, I'm not going to set myself up for failure.  

Her matter-a-fact answer; what are you worried about, in late February we left Stay Fit for your first run and by April 14th you had a 5K under your belt.  You can do it, the question is do you want to

Yes, yes, yes, of course I want to... still not totally convinced. I want to set goals, but I want them to be attainable. I said to myself, Kristin, is this something you can physically and mentally do? 

Raquel also said, you can't beat yourself up over the fact that you took a break... at least you caught yourself now and not a year from now, and even then, if you would have caught yourself in a year, at least your caught yourself.  

Those who know me best, and especially those who have been on this work out journey with me at some point know that I enjoy not only getting physically healthy, but socially as well, surrounding myself with positive, supportive people.  Raquel said to me today, you enjoy working out with other people, being able to talk about it throughout the day... yes, I do. 

If I'm going to make the life change, it's not only from 5:00am-7:00am... it's 24/7, and knocking down goals along the way.  January 20, 2013, ready or not.  

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;) 

Today: I ran and did pedal and pump, what are you plans to stay active? 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Locked out

After some delish wedding food last night, and I mean d.e.l.i.s.h.! Bacon wrapped dates, margarita pizza, teriyaki ribs, fresh shrimp, tuna ceviche...awe. Anyway, needless to say, the alarm rang at 645am.

Eric went into work for a few hours and I had two choices...

Get up and go to pedal and pump at 800
Stay in bed with the softest, most cuddly, goldendoodle (yes, when Eric leaves Benny jumps onto the bed)

So, as anyone would, I chose to...

Get up and pedal my butt down to the gym. Let me backtrack a little and tell you that due to a little fender bender my keys have not stayed on my key chain and have been strewn about my purse because I've had rental keys, found the spare to our old Yukon and lent some keys to a co-worker for Friday...needless to say, you guessed it.

When I got home at 900am I was locked out.

So naturally, I followed my Nurturing Parenting Curriculum, and ignored the behavior, but not the child- in this case a dog who was whimpering.

I watched from a far to make sure he wouldn't destroy the living room trying to get back at me. For all you wondering, he was a perfect little gent.

So again I was left with two choices:

Continue to watch Benny look for someone to play with
Take a 25 minute run

Again, I chose to run.

Now, here I am...waiting for my knight in shining armor to rescue me.

Beep....just heard the car lock, he's here and my work out for the day is complete.

Start your weekend right, people!!

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

If you're tired of starting over...

Where to begin, honestly... 
It's true, at the moment I'm lacking motivation - and even as I type this, I'm thinking about retracting that statement and saying, at the moment I am gaining motivation.

What is it that drives you? 

I've been challenged with discovering what is driving me now.  I haven't necessarly made up excuses, quit going to the gym or changed my eating habits.  But, I'm still finding myself not happy with where I am in the 'fit' world and, yes.... unmotivated.  

So, after a long conversation earlier today with a co-worker, followed by a check in with my bestie and follow up with my husband, I've decided what motivates me, and it's simply the knowledge that I'm getting results.  When I say results, they are not only the scale moving, or fitting into an old pair of jeans, but results in the context of being more energized, and feeling positive about changes, big or small.

Although I go to classes at the gym, and hit the pavement (probably not as often as I should) I'm still feeling as if I'm not putting in 100%.

10 Things I've Realized Since Working Out:  
1. I enjoy the bond and the social aspect of spending time and conversing with others who have the passion to be healthy.  
2. Motivation comes from within, and for me knowing that someone else is waiting on me for a work out appointment, holds me accountable, so accountability is huge. 
3. Monetary commitment. Gyms and trainers are expensive, bottom line. 
4. This is not easy, but it is worth it
5. Just because I have one off day/week/month does not mean it is over
6. When I do work out, I feel better throughout the day, physically and mentally
7. For me, the trainer works, for others, independence is key. 
8. My husband (this will take some explaining, see below) 
9. Build self confidence, and instill a positive self-worth as it relates to working out, if I don't feel good about myself how can I empower others to? 
10. I can do it.

So, let me explain number 8... 
Eric is, has been and always will be (hopefully!) a motivator and supporter to me.  He's my number one fan. (I know, how cliche) He's willing to meet me where I am, every single day and ride this wild roller coaster - I'm excited about working out one day and hitting the snooze the next.  He encourages me to get to the gym but at the same time knows his limits and isn't telling me that "I have to go, or I should go to lose weight" he's on board with getting healthy. He's expressed that for him, I'm perfect, but respects and honors my desire to want to get healthy - Something tells me he'd still love me a few pounds lighter, too ;)  I think it's so very important to have a partner who understands your goals and your dreams throughout life (and vice versa) in order to be a positive, effective support.

Above all, it's not the fancy equipment, new work out clothes, the race numbers, stay fit member of the month, or any rewards I've promised myself, but rather the internal feeling I get after working out, after achieving an accomplishment - if I need/desire someone else, be that a trainer or a work out buddy that's fine... there are many roads to get to the end... as long as I get there. 

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;) 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Are you serious?

As I was at Ross, bee-lining for work out clothes there were also several other women with the same thought. However, it was quite obvious that we were there for different reasons.

Me: I was there to get a deal on my número uno pair of work out shorts. (nike, I'm in love with your work out apparel) anyway, as I was looking through the racks scoring shorts for $12.99 when they're regularly $30.00 I over heard this on the other side of the rack...

Them: Kelly, look at this... XXL work out clothes! I didn't even know they made them this big, well I guess someone that size needs to work out anyway! Good thing we're skinny, we're in shape and don't have to work out...

As I gathered my composure, after being completely horrified that,

a. they said that out loud and in public
b. they were so ignorant to think that because they're thinner than an XXL they're in shape

I would HOPE that people would have the common sense, wait, I mean the social skills to either keep their mouth shut or say something actually legitimate that has validity behind it.

Being thin does not give you the fast track ticket to being in shape. Sure you may wear a size 4 but you probably can't run farther than I can throw you and I'm certain that you wouldn't last in strength class. Of course there millions of people who are in shape and look great in a 4 - I know I'll never be there, not going to happen, no way no how. But, I have confidence in getting where I'd like to be and that's healthy.

Moral of this ranting blog entry is that being healthy isn't just shedding pounds, running miles upon miles and spinning my life away but also having a healthy mind, and finding the good and encouragement in others doing the same. Had someone been looking at those shorts when they were talking they probably would have left, I know I would have. It'd be nice to not be judged for trying to make a change and hey, you have to start somewhere!

Getting healthy comes with enough challenges; I, nor anyone else do not need any extra nonsense.

Be respectful for Pete's sake-- we're running laps around the people on the couch!

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one! And go get yourself a new work out outfit, I said its okay ;)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012



Don't ask me why, but I've been c-r-a-v-i-n-g ice cream lately...and I mean craving it! My level headed husband, kindly reminded me the other night that we don't need to get ice cream after dinner every night and that it is a "special thing".

Okay, okay...I understand tangible rewards, after all I just discussed this with the parents in my group tonight.

Q: BUT, why can't we have ice cream every night???
A: 1) We CAN have ice cream whenever we want, we live in a day where we CAN make those decisions.
2) Although I still have goals to meet, I've worked too hard to indulge in ice cream every day.
3) I love Mattheessens (if you live in KW I hope you know how to get there) and well, for good ice cream there is a 'good' price.
4) My fourth and final answer...because I don't NEED it. Comon' Kristin, you teach basic needs and how to decipher between needs and wants and ice cream is not a need.

So after I've weighed all my answers I settled for unsweetened apple sauce with added cinnamon and splenda. And I have to admit...

IT IS WONDERFUL, not to mention curbed that crazy craving for ice cream. So, if you're in a bind...and your husband makes a suggestion (did I mention it was his suggestion...probably not, so yes, props to my husband for problem solving when I was in my... I'll call it "crazy" state) take the suggestion and try it. Not only did I get something sweet but I feel a little better about my choice as I think about 6:15am spin tomorrow at Stay Fit Studio . However, this weeks cheat meal will probably consist of ice cream...really good ice cream. Maybe I'll walk to the restaurant...come out even on calories in and out :) I can hope.

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Monday, June 11, 2012

what i actually look like

Seriously, this is how I felt today... and seriously, this may be how I looked...either way, I was out running.  I ended my 'manic' Monday (just kidding, but I was trying to think of something catchy) - actually today was quite pleasant.  As I was saying, I ended today with an AHHHHH-MAZE-ING deep tissue massage, complements of Fit Member of the Month at Stay Fit Studio! The massages I've had in the past have been wonderful as well, quite music, low lighting, comfortable massage table, heck even a very calming smell... but today; today was much more.  I carried on a conversation about a passion of mine, parenting...and families, and most of all, getting healthy and finding the strength to become energized, even on the days that I feel all my energy is on my pillow.  I appreciate people who are well versed and knowledgable, I crave interaction with people and enjoy listening to everyone's stories. Socialite, beginning running socialite at your service...could that be a job? ;) 

As much as I've heard people (including myself) talk about not particularly enjoying this quaint quirky island...there are certainly pros.  Running to the White street pier is one of them (Danielle if you're reading, this is where you began my 5K journey with me) After dinner, which consisted of the most delightful black bean and veggie burger my husband took over dishes duty and I hit the pavement for some quality me time.  I know, some say to lay low after a massage but...I hadn't worked out this am so tonight was my night.  I headed out of my house up and over the infamous hill (that's what I call it, actually it's just a bridge over a marina) down Truman, right on White street to the pier, stopped at a friends on the way back and headed home just as the sun was setting.  If you have a chance, White street pier during sunrise or sunset... check off the good ol' bucket list.  Not only was the view a pro, but I saw several people I knew... a few from the gym, someone from work (okay so I made a pit stop at her house) and another family driving from a previous job. Hey, at least they know I'm really running now....only kidding, but really seeing people I know, or even if someone says, "hello" to me while I'm out always seems to help me kick it up another notch.  That probably means that I should be running at that 'notch' all the time, some day. 

Anyway, as I'm getting ready to settle in and indulge in a guilty pleasure of mine... (no not finishing all the chocolate chip cookies, made with wheat flour, splenda, and egg whites) watching the bachelorette, let me leave you with this little quote... 

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;) 

(by the way, as I was leaving after my massage, somehow my phone began to play Kanye, Stronger... yes, you know it and you're now humming it in your head..."that, that, that, that don't kill you can only make you stronger I need you to hurry up now, cause' I can't wait much longer..." anyway, I could not figure out how to get it to turn off... I knew tonight would be a successful work out) 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

1000+ calories, gone.

Began my Sunday just the way I like...
9:00am strength and 10:00am spin!


I came home to find my husband still sleeping away so I decided that today would be my cheat meal. (dont worry he ate too)

Guess what I had...

Egg skillet, and I loved it! POTATOES, peppers, onions and eggs. Not to mention I made chocolate chip cooked over the weekend so I ended breakfast with a cookie. Successful cheat meal.

I forgot to start my garmin during strength, and I'm about 150 calories short but here's a snap shot of my morning work out.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Yo yo...

Ever heard of a yo yo dieter? Well, I'm happy to admit, once again that I'm not on a diet but rather a long, what at times seems to be a narrow and windy road to a complete lifestyle change. But I will admit that I am a yo yo 'worker outer'.

Explanation: I read things, hear things, see things and try it. It sounds all good and wonderful but in actuality it sucks. I began my journey with a trainer and a gym membership, then went to working out without a trainer (supplemental of course) in a different gym (on base) soon to find myself looking for my own running routine (which lasted maybe two weeks) and now I'm second guessing my decisions. It's not that I need anyone else's approval, but I'll say I am new to this idea of working out. Even though if you remember I swore up and down that I was active in the past - I like to ask people what their experiences were and where they've had successes and challenges. What I get is a conglomerate of answers and then I try to fit them into my life.

End result : chaos and a plateau.

So, I'm back to square one...minus 25-30 lbs ;)

Doing this for me and my health, no one else's. It doesn't matter if I cross the finish line at a 17 minute/mile or a 8 minute/mile - what matters is that I finished and I am healthy, or getting there. Running is controversial, and "everyone has opinions, just like butt holes" (a wise co-worker shared that saying with me today!) so no matter if the person next to me is running with all the latest and greatest running equipment or simply running in an old pair of worn out sneakers we should all be out there for ourselves.

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

we all have low points...

Lets be honest, working out isn't all flowers and butterflies.  Sure it may make you feel and look good, but as everything once you get into a routine when that routine is broken it's hard to get back into it. I can have all the motivation in the world but putting my shoes on and getting down the street to the gym is another story.  I ran by myself yesterday, it's been a loooooong time since I've done that.  I wanted to pace myself at an 11 minute mile, I only did two but, I accomplished my goal.  I also went to strength this am and spin right after.  My trainer asked me what was wrong half way through strength and of course I said, "nothing".  But, while I stood in the room with my weights, bricks, mat, chair, ankle weights, and water surrounded by floor to ceiling mirrors I realized what was wrong...I felt horrible about myself.  If you've been following you know that I've been inconsistent with working out for the last few weeks, I blamed it on being home, traveling for work, being sick... either way I wasn't in the gym and not taking care of myself.  I'm back to making good choices about food and making sure that I'm active.  I told all of you that this was going to be an honest blog, filled with both strengths and challenges, and I need you to know that right now, I'm challenged. I've plateaued, and I need to make smart changes to my daily routine in order to continue to see the changes that will do more than just help me fit into my skinny jeans.

I'm down to anywhere from 205-208lbs things are fitting better and I've begun to wear 'old' clothes, you know...the ones that you keep around but don't think you'll ever wear again, well... my advice to you is keep those clothes because you will wear them again! I'm off to buy myself a new gym bag, enjoy the weekend and stay active!  ;)  Check here for some inspiration and training!

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So sore...

But I wouldn't want it any other way!! Seriously, I've gotten to the point where sore is a good thing! As you know, I've had a week off- so beginning:
Monday 2 mile run
Tuesday strength training upper and lower body
Wednesday 3 mile run, pedal and pump

each of those followed with protein and good choices throughout the day.

Still my scale has a dead battery, but soon I will replace it and get some updated numbers on here.

Looking forward to the long weekend and a 5k the following weekend. I'm seriously considering a half marathon either in November or January I need to figure out how long I need to train. Also, I'm cutting back to meeting with my trainer once a month and she's going to come up with an individualized plan for me. Of course I'll see her in the mornings for runs and classes but instead of meeting weekly we'll see how monthly goes, I like the idea of someone checking in with me and holding me accountable and the ideal of a group is helpful too!
Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

Ps- I saw a girl today at the gym who has made strides and she's doing great, I was able to catch her after class and let her know that I've noticed her dedication and how great she looks. It's important to remember to pay it forward and let people know that you're noticing their accomplishments That is not to be confused with falsifying that and giving a compliment just to do it. Needless to say, she seemed very happy and from experience, hearing that is powerful and is encouraging.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


So, due to being sick I'll be honest- my last post was about how excited I was to get back into working out, unfortunately I've been on a workout halt for a week. I did train Friday, but that was short lived as I felt like I was going to pass out. Needless to say, my 600am run tomorrow is going to come early.

Eric loves pizza, and I mean LOVES, it... Fancy schmancy pizzas to $5.00 dominos, pizza pizza pizza!! We like to make homemade pizzas and I used to make my own crust, someone I've found an excuse to just use the store bought ones (not too bad). Anyway, without working out I called the whole week a wash and gave in. We had pizza.

One ready made crust
Rotisserie chicken (picked off the bone, so EASY)
Alfredo sauce
Voila... Chicken Alfredo pizza!

I guess we were so hungry that I forgot to get a photo when it was done, but I did get a lovely shot of a Spinach pizza ;)

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Vibrams, we meet again tomorrow.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Weight loss is back on- the most recent photo I have is the one in the post below regarding the run. I'm currently down to 208lbs which is 6lbs difference from my last weight post. I would like to say I've lost more since then but, I'll take what I can get. My food choices haven't been as strict as in the past due to traveling, being in ND/MN, staying in a hotel for 3 days due to a work conference and my just plain inability to stick to it every single day-- this is hard work! I make mistakes, order dessert every once in awhile and enjoy a cocktail on the weekends hey, I even sleep in and skip work outs every now and then. ie. today-- I've been battling a head cold, and it totally got worse after the 5k Friday (yes, Monica I know I should have stayed home now) but...needless to say, I decided to sleep in and let me tell you, Okay, sorry that was dramatic but that's how sleeping in felt...yes, that good!! Anyway, the good news is, I still feel good, I'm still excited to work out again tomorrow, and I still am continuing to better my health each and every day!! I will say, oatmeal in the am when you have a sore throat is amazing! And for those of you wondering, yes, my cough drops are sugar free :)

Remember, running is a pain in the ass'll give you a nice one ;)

Friday, May 11, 2012


It's been awhile since I've posted because I feel like I've been on a whirl wind- was in MN for Megan's graduation, came home for one night, kept the same bags that I had packed and went to Miami for two days of training. Anyway, I drive back today and as soon as I got home I did another 5k. By far the worst time I've ever gotten, but finishing is always an accomplishment. This route was tough, running on gravel/rocks and then you had to circle and do the route twice and just when you thought you were had to run out to the pier and back, needless to say another 5k under the belt!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Strength training

Started off my Tuesday, right. And by right I mean with a 615am strength training class. We did reps of 15, find the exercises below:
Step ups on chairs right foot first
Step ups on chair left foot first
2 sets walking lunges
Right foot on the chair left up and down
Left foot on the chair right up and down
2 sets walking lunges
Squats with weights
2 sets walking lunges
Ankle weights on right leg; 1 min extensions, 1 min toe in, 1 min toe out
Ankle weights on left leg; 1 min extensions, 1 min toe in, 1 min toe out
2 sets walking lunges
Tricep rows against wall
Tricep rows seated
2 sets walking lunges
Laying down:
Press ups
Skull crushers
20 leg raises
Military press
20 leg raises
Biceps; wrists out, hammer curls
20 leg raises

Followed with a quick bike home and a EAS protein shake! Feeling better already!!

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Running tomorrow am!

Monday, May 7, 2012

back on track...

As you know, I took a little break from Key West and traveled to Fargo/Moorhead for my sisters graduation. I did attend a spin class and did a few free weights on my own, and walked quite a bit but did not stay on track like I was planning. Last time I was on vacation, or I guess that time was 'staycation' I really began to see results after. It wasn't even that I had put more weight on but rather that the shake up in my daily routine was enough to kick start and continue my weight loss. The first night Megan and Chris took me to a great pizza place...typically I'll pass on the pizza but honestly, this was so worth it. I should have snagged a picture. It was a Thai chicken pizza with peanut oil. So tasty!! Also, in celebration of Megan's graduation, we found a place called Maxwells (courtesy of Megan Strand) and it was phenom! Even though I'm used to super fresh seafood we had scallops for an appetizer and they were definitely as fresh as the seafood in KW. I figured since I was home I'd treat myself walleye (see below)

Anyway, to get to my point, I'm back on track tomorrow! Starting with 6:15am strength class...followed by protein and a well rounded breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner...I'll post another meal day tomorrow. Depending on what Eric has in the fridge it could get interesting. I will say I bought a pair of pants last week that were a 12!! -- slowly but surely, I'm getting there!

Just a quick shout out: Monica and family...GREAT job running the 5k on Saturday, and to my trainer, personal best!!! Excited for the night run in June!

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

breakfast on the go

I woke up early, grabbed some granola and headed out the as soon as I got to Miami I was in search of some breakfast, I walked past every single fast food place imaginable as well as some nicer sit down places...yes I have the time and I probably could have sat down and ordered egg whites however I wanted something quick. So I grabbed a earl grey tea added some Splenda and fat free half and half and an oatmeal which I graciously declined the brown sugar and dried fruit but settled for it prepared with water , cinnamon and some Splenda. Very tasty, and a switch from my normal eggs. Enjoy breakfast today!!

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Traveling cramping your work out?

I'm traveling today and have great plans of working out once I get to my destination, don't everyone get excited its Fargo... :) anyway, I realized that I'll be seated pretty much all day, so my solution...pack a really heavy carry on and lift it up into the overhead bin endlessly. Just kidding, but in all honesty I think this just goes to answer Monica's question...yes, I may be afraid to take a day off. Okay, so I've found that I really enjoy working out and every week I have managed to take a day off. However, I need to remember to take it easy and be careful because the last thing is want is an injury. I've heard of airports that offer yoga...or maybe I'll settle for a pedicure and really enjoy the "day off"!

Remember, running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

slept in

Yes, today I slept in. I went to the gym the other day with Monica and we again did the body for life pyramid (found on a past blog) my muscles were sore and I was just plain exhausted. Now that I am up I am kicking myself for not going- which just means after teaching class tonight I'm going to run. One more day in KW before heading up to MN/ND for Megan's graduation which means I'll have to find a routine for working out up there. Ever feel that vacations throw off your work out schedule? Anyway, I feel great I really do and my pants feel looser everyday, however my scale battery is dead so until I get another one I'm out of luck. I'm hoping I'll be really surprised when I get a new battery :) just as a side note, before working out and changing my life I told myself and others that I didn't want to really lose weight because I liked my wardrobe and didn't want to buy all new clothes...I lied, go figure. Of course I have pieces I love but, getting to shop for smaller sizes is very rewarding!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

shaving time off, one 5k at a time!

Slowly but surely, I'll shave more time off of my 5k. Ran an 11 minute mile this time! Celebrating the small successes! I really enjoyed this run, lots of turns but it kept the run interesting. I've officially decided that it takes me about a mile to get settled into my pace and controlling my breath, and no matter how hard I try...taking off at that shotgun start gets my adrenalin pumping, for instance my first mile was 10.31. But hey, maybe it'll give me something to shoot for on the next run. I'll try to do one every month although I'll miss May, due to being out of town so, looks like June 2 is the next one, it's a night run, I'm looking forward to it. The pictures are of me and my friend Leah and the group is Lindsay, Monica, me and Leah. **shout out to Leah, first 5k complete, speedy Gonzales! It helps to have people to run with, and they don't have to literally run besides you but to know they'll cheer you on and vice versa is important and motivating!!!

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

Friday, April 27, 2012


Just a quick post, wanted to update a photo. I'll be heading to bed soon, second 5k tomorrow! These pictures were taken today after training this am.

Don't forget a banana in the am, and remember...

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Ever feel stressed out, guaranteed answer is, yes! When we're stressed, or maybe I should say when I'm stressed it's so easy to say I'm not going I work out. I rather lay in bed or on the couch and participate in mindless activity such as watching tv. However, I've found that exercising truly does help me when I'm stressed. Today was one of those day, and all I could think about was coming home to sleep and getting to bed early, except for when I got home my husband had made dinner (so yummy) and we took Bennett for a walk...even the walk, a breath of fresh air helped calm my nerves. I'm getting a little anxious for the 5k again this weekend, hopingI'll shave even more time off! Either way, I've found that exercise an getting active truly does help decrease my stress level. So get out there, take it out on the road and remember...

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one.

Ps- weigh ins and progress report coming this weekend!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

alarm clock

Waking up today was rough. I woke up at 430 and knew I had another 30 minutes, and I fell back asleep hard. My body has gotten into the routine of waking up early, even in weekends I'm unable to sleep in like I used to. However, once I got to the gym I was fine and now after both workouts, so happy I was there. I just registered for another 5k this weekend!! I'm trying to focus more on muscle and building up my upper body strength. I was sore last night and put bengay on before bed...just as I thought I was comfortable the coolness of the bengay kicked in, and I was freezing-- oh well, my muscles feel good today!!

This am I ran 2.5miles and attended pedal and pump, I'm attaching photos, first one is the run second is the spin/pedal an pump.

Get out and be active!

Running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

5 what??

That's right, vibram 5 fingers...LOVE! Kind of dorky looking I get it but I really do enjoy them! So used to running in them now! Plus the bright colors are a must :) and hey, champs has a %20 military discount, can't beat it. Anyway, I've been running now 2 solid months and they're still holding up. I've heard people don't like them if they go long distances but for my 2-4 miles they're perfect :) up bright and early for a 3 mile run the pedal and pump!

Monday, April 23, 2012

i can't believe it...

just a quick note, my husband came upstairs and saw me on the computer and said.... "what are you doing, virtual running?" in that case... see you on the road!

i like to eat, eat, eat...

Strength training at the gym...and I'm talking about a gym on a coast guard base. Super anxious at first, all I could picture was the stereotypical gym, grunting and all...however I was pleasantly surprised.  Also, I went with a friend from work, and she is really knowledgeable regarding weight training so that made it easier and much more appealing. We followed the body for life work out you can find it here. We worked upper body: shoulders, back, triceps and biceps.  ** side note...already feeling it! **
24 oz water

EAS protein shake

Two hard boiled egg whites
12 oz water

Fat free half and half

Green tea
Fat free half and half

Spinach wrap
Lean deli turkey
Pepper jack cheese
1T cracked pepper mayo
12 oz water

8 oz apple cider/tea
One serving craisins/two servings almonds

Morning Start "meatless crumbles"
Two hard shell corn tacos
Green onions
8oz crystal light

Headed out for a runnnnnnnnnnn!

Remember running is a pain in the ass...but it'll give you a nice one ;)

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Confession: I love spinning!! In all honesty, I really do enjoy it. I've spoken to people who either love it or hate it but either way it's an intense work out! I burned 705 calories on the spin bike alone this am, not to mention the calories that exited this so called "temple" during strength training. Today was great because the class was packed, I know you're only racing yourself but when the room is full and you have a motivating, energized instructor (even off the bike) there's a little more excitement. I've had excellent instructors to not to excellent instructors and everything in between. And in actuality, I should be pushing myself so no matter who is instructing I should be getting just as intense of a work out, but let's be honest it doesn't always work out that way. Music choice, personality/energy of the instructor and my overall feeling for the day play a huge part. However, at the end of the 50 minutes I feel great! Try a spin class---give it a few tries, it may be uncomfortable at first but believe me it gets better!!